[English version: Imprint]
Es gibt hier nicht viel zu sagen. Wer mich erreichen möchte, schreibt mir am besten eine E-Mail an arrr [at] talesof [punkt] me.
Nicolai Schwarz
Wißstraße 30/32
44137 Dortmund
Phone: +49 / 231 / 79 49 277
Tales of… the man who put too many words in a space that was clearly meant for rather short text. Just because he wanted to fill the page with something, anything other than a few lines of legally enforced contact options. He noticed it was a very good spot to test if the layout can keep up with very large sublines. Well, so far so good. And yeah, this text is a bitch on mobile. Serves you right for clicking on Imprint.
[English version: Imprint]
Es gibt hier nicht viel zu sagen. Wer mich erreichen möchte, schreibt mir am besten eine E-Mail an arrr [at] talesof [punkt] me.
Nicolai Schwarz
Wißstraße 30/32
44137 Dortmund
Phone: +49 / 231 / 79 49 277
Curiosity Clicker:
The message in the bottle
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